All PhD students must sign, with their supervisor, the training agreement set up by the ComUE Normandie Université.

The PhD student must follow the equivalent of 60 hours of training, with the obligation to choose at least one generalist module and one disciplinary module.

The generalist (transversal) modules are taken from the CED’s training portfolio. Hours are granted for collective responsibilities and elective functions (central councils, organisation of PhD students’ days, PhD students’ associations, etc.). Summer and winter schools and very specific master courses are included in the specific training.

The skills developed during the thesis work, allowing the doctorate to be valued in the private sector, can be taken into account, such as involvement in the life of the ED, a mission with an elective function in an institution, or the organisation of events within the institution.

These training activities are included in the definition of the PhD student’s professional project.

The ED records the training courses attended by doctoral students on the basis of participation certificates issued by the doctoral school college, and possibly by external training organisations. The training courses attended are mentioned in the doctoral student’s portfolio.

When the training course targeted by the doctoral student requires travel, the ED may cover the mission expenses, provided that the request is made prior to registration for the training course.

For salaried doctoral students (financed outside the thesis work, including doctoral students under CIFRE agreement), this volume of training is not required; however, they are strongly advised to follow any training useful to their research activities and their professional future. For doctoral students under co-supervision, the volume of training to be followed and the precise modalities are determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the training requested by the partner institution.

The training courses are offered by the CED of Normandie University (mutualised and professionalising training courses), the ED MIIS (disciplinary training courses), or any other organisation.

In the latter case, the interested doctoral student may request financial aid from the ED MIIS by means of a file (cf. article 5), which must specify and justify the objective sought and the choice of the training organisation.

A provisional budget and an organisation of co-financing must also be detailed. Applications are examined by the ED MIIS.

In order to help PhD students plan their training programme and to evaluate the amount of training they still have to attend, they are given an annual report on the training courses attended and validated. At the end of their thesis, and in order to be authorised to defend their thesis, doctoral students must present a report on the training courses they have attended.